Saturday, July 7, 2007

Genetically Modification of Foods

What is genetic modification of foods
  • Plants

Source obtained from:

Pesticides and Insecticides Reduction
The use of genetically altered crops can help reduce the pollution due to the use of harmful pesticides and insecticides. Certain crops can be genetically altered so that they have an insecticide or pesticide already built into them. These plants will deter insects and resist fungus with the minimum use of chemicals. This in turn means that less of these chemicals will make it into our drinking water, lakes, rivers and streams. By using these plants we will also lessen the chance of other animals being harmed. The insecticides and pesticides that are used can affect many populations of animals. It can sometimes act as a poison for many birds and small animals. The chemicals also can harm the fish in the surrounding rivers and lakes. The genetically altered plants allow us to use less chemicals and prevent hurting many animals.
Crops can also be genetically altered for herbicide resistance. This allows farmers to use less hazardous and more short-term herbicides. It also reduces the need for tilling the soil. This in turn reduces soil erosion.

Benefits of Genetically Modifying Plants

  • Pesticide/Insecticide Reduction
  • Medical Applications
  • GM Plants will be Tastier and Healthier
  • Disease Resistant Plants
  • Help World Hunger
  • Nutritional Value

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